Learning Styles – Pragmatists

Pragmatists – stressors and facilitators Although Honey and Mumford always advocated that individuals are best equipped to learn from a variety of different experiences if they have more or less equal preferences for all four learning styles, the fact remains that people do favour one or two of these styles above the others. We will now turn our attention to the learners who favour the Learning Style known as Pragmatist. These learners need to be […]

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Learning Styles – Theoreticians

Theoreticians – stressors and facilitators Although Honey and Mumford always advocated that individuals are best equipped to learn from a variety of different experiences if they have more or less equal preferences for all four learning styles, the fact remains that people do favour one or two of these styles above the others. Let’s consider the learners who favour the Learning Style known as Theoretician, or Theorists. These learners need conceptual models and theories to […]

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Learning Styles – Analysts

Analysts – stressors and facilitators Although Honey and Mumford always advocated that individuals are best equipped to learn from a variety of different experiences if they have more or less equal preferences for all four learning styles, the fact remains that people do favour one or two of these styles above the others. When it comes to the Analyst Learning Style, the name is a giveaway. Analysts derive comfort and security from data, information, facts. […]

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Learning Styles – Empiricist

Empiricists – stressors and facilitators Although Honey and Mumford always advocated that individuals are best equipped to learn from a variety of different experiences if they have more or less equal preferences for all four learning styles, the fact remains that people do favour one or two of these styles above the others. If a learner leans towards the Empiricist (Activist) style of learning, I’m pretty confident you’ll recognize him/her almost immediately: he/she is the […]

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Andragogy meets Lifelong Learning

Andragogy: implications for practice Adopting an andragogical perspectives in fact implies placing the learner at the centre of the process – a processing which involves structural changes in the way instructors and teachers understand their own practice and role. This involves starting the process of teaching and learning from the contexts, experiences and needs of the learners. The decision of what to teach, which is usually the teacher’s/instructor’s alone, now becomes a shared responsibility (Fornaciari […]

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