- overloaded textbooks with too few exercises activating new material, resulting from, among others, the fact that textbooks are written in series; however, in fact, adults rarely learn the language by continuing education year after year; they usually learn intermittently and many people finish learning at a B1 level;
- teachers' lack of knowledge about andragogy, learning styles, motivation, diagnosis of needs, recognition of learning convictions, skills in how to translate this into adult classes;
- in teaching people with low competences/skills - grammatical sections in textbooks are a problem: linguistic jargon, explanation of grammatical problems often requires inference/ analytical skills;
- low attendance, learning on and off - language learning requires regularity and adults often work a lot and find it difficult to combine work, family with learning;
- development of natural communication in speech is a challenge - adults often use a studied version of English.
In order to solve the above mentioned problems partners decided to assemble an interdisciplinary transnational team of experts consisting of: teaching methodologists, training techniques specialists, andragogy experts, psychologists, experienced English teachers, as well as media and IT specialists.
The “IC-ENGLISH” project assumes the use of Kolb's effective learning cycle, which is:
- experience,
- reflection,
- knowledge,
- application,
as a universal method for designing modules for an effective teaching process.

The assumption is to use 4 styles of learning, as a starting point for an individual approach to an adult learner:

International School of Language Teachers
As part of the project, a pilot cycle will be conducted: the International School of Language Teachers. A group of English teachers from partner countries (8 from each country, 24 people in total), as part of a joint workshop, will test the developed products, assimilate their practical application, and then use in their daily work with adult learners.
Innovativeness of the project consists in focusing on the needs of English teachers working with adults with low competences and skills. Project results are to help these teachers by providing them with appropriate knowledge, resources and tools; however, these resources are to really support teachers at the meta-level of adult education. All of the developed results will be available on IC-ENGLISH multimedia platform.

Agata completed European studies, project management as well as finances and accounting. She has over 9-year experience in European project management, since she implemented nearly 20 projects co-financed with the EU funds (including HC OP, Erasmus +, cross-border projects between Poland-Belarus and Ukraine). In her free time Agata does birdwatching and explores the art of artistic craft.

Gabriela has the master's degree from the field of business, marketing and economics. Since 2007 she has been working in the field of training and education, actively involved in management and implementation of European projects. Within last twelve years her main responsibility has been the coordination of project activities and supervision of the local project teams. Her professional background as well knowledge and skills allows her to participate in the fields related to the entrepreneurship and SME's, sustainable personal development or innovative methods of learning using ICT tools.

Łukasz is a project manager with over 11 years of professional experience. He completed International Relations studies at Maria Sklodowska-Curie University in Lublin. He’s been managing various initiatives that concern such issues as entrepreneurship, educational and professional activation, knowledge exchange, innovations in diversity management. Łukasz likes new technologies, web designing and “Game of thrones”.

Monika is English studies graduate with teaching credentials, PhD studies, 2 PASE publications, TELC A1-B2 examiner. She’s got 17-year experience in general and business English teaching at A1-C2 levels in various age groups, as well as in substantive preparation of classes, diagnosing the level of participants, test preparation, conducting trainings for teachers in interactive board operation, the use of online resources for language teaching. Monika’s true passions are travelling and photography.

Isabel graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures – English and German, and holds two Master’s degrees: in Anglo-American Studies (English Literature) from the University of Lisbon, and in Human and Social Sciences Research from the Pontifical University of Salamanca. She is the co-author of Aprenda Inglês Sem Mestre (Teach Yourself English), now in its 13th edition. She is also a translator, with published books in fiction and science, as well as a language editor (English).

Ana holds a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures as well as a Postgraduation in Educational Sciences and is attending a PhD in Education Sciences. Coordinates the Translation and Languages Office and is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University, where she has been recognised as an Expert in Modern Languages and Literatures.

Magda is a graduate in English studies, PASE Methodology Academy, Polish Association for Quality in Language Education, the Trainer's Academy. She has a CELTA certificate (issued by the University of Cambridge) and is a TELC examiner. Magda is English teacher with over 11-year experience in teaching adults at general and professional English. She’s a former coordinator of Euro-Forum Language School. In private, apart from being a living example of a healthy lifestyle and proactive attitude, Magda likes to get caught up in a good book or TV series.

Beata is a long-term English teacher and methodologist. She is a certified ICF Coach and had a great deal of experience in career development related activities, leadership trainings and implementing innovative teaching and training methods in business and education context. She doesn’t like wasting time and, apart from working as a HR manager in an IT company, Beata is also a councilor in the City council of her family town and engages herself into actions for local community.

Vendula is an English teacher with several years of experience in teaching general and professional English to young people and adults, working with individuals as well as groups of students. She has over ten years of experience in teaching and non-formal education, including developing learning materials, and she enjoys using innovative and interactive teaching methods. Outside of her home country, she has also provided language support to Latin American migrants living in the USA. Vendula loves learning foreign languages (she speaks six languages), travelling, and the Balkans and Balkan folk music.

Manuel José Damásio, is the head of the film and multimedia department at Lusófona University. He holds a PhD from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a Msc from Napier University in the UK. Has a strong past experience as head researcher and project manager in several national and European research and development projects.

Carolina Godinho is graduating in the European Studies International Relations and area. She is currently collaborating with the Translation and Languages Office from Lusófona Group, and with the Lusophone Institute for Research and Development.

Lukáš is an IT specialist and Methodologist, he has extensive and applicative experience in a field of pedagogy, andragogy, ICT, aviation and air traffic control. In a past he worked as a trainer of aviation military staff. Recently he focuses mainly on the innovative and state-of-the-art learning and teaching methods and methodologies. He has also background in the field of youth and adult education.

Marek is a graduate in Economics, but his career is focused on e-learning. He has been working on creating of mulitimedia educational courses for 5 years. Using a number of different kinds of software gave him a wide insight on functionalities and capabilities of such programmes. For the last 2 years he has taken part in a project aimed at creating and developing software to prepare on-line courses. In private, he is a keen cyclist and motorcycle rider.

A practical handbook for English teachers. It contains, among other things:
- description of the most frequent problems related to English teaching and ways to solve these problems;
- theoretical basics - andragogy, specificity of adult education, barriers, diversity of learning styles, etc.
- curriculum for teaching English to adults with low competences;
- description of the method developed;
- tools for evaluation and self-evaluation;
- and many other resources.

Ready-to-use lesson plans with exercise materials and multimedia for adult learners based on particular universal thematic modules (e.g. holidays, shopping, hospital, etc.), which comprehensively prepare adult learners in terms of communication skills, writing, and reading within a given topic. The modules have been prepared taking into account the diversity of learning styles according to Kolb's theory. Each lesson is accompanied by accessible multimedia for learners i.e.: quizzes, interactive exercises, videos.

Multimedia consisting of a coherent course designed for independent work of English teachers who will be able to improve their competences in teaching adults. The course perfectly complements the e-book. It aims to practically present and guide the implementation of lesson plans developed under the project and the developed teaching method.
Euro-Forum Spółka Jawna (General Partnership) was established in August 2008 by Agnieszka and Marek Gudków, people with several years of experience in training and education market. The company was founded on the market demand for modern training facilities with a clearly defined profile of interactive, multimedia language learning centres. Its educational offer includes stationary language courses with the use of modern language learning tools. High quality of the services provided is ensured with specialised language laboratories and training rooms equipped with interactive, multimedia tools. The company also has specialised software for presenting materials directly from the course book on the interactive whiteboard and software for creating interactive online exercises mainly basing on the implementation of an access module for active online learning. The subject area of the implemented projects includes trainings and language courses, vocational and IT trainings aimed at participants of various types of groups (children, young people, adults, people over 50, individual clients, enterprises and their employees, schools, pupils and education employees). We combine language courses with 21st-century competence building workshops connected with ICT skills.GLAFKA
GLAFKA s.r.o. is Czech based educational and consulting institution located in Prague. It focuses on knowledge and innovation transfer in a field of lifelong learning and further education, labour market and entrepreneurship, teaching and training methods and technologies. GLAFKA has a strong focus on empowerment of disadvantaged groups, including 60+, handicapped and socially excluded persons. One of their main aims is to increase employability of target groups through personal and vocational development, bridging the gaps between generations, genders and nations as well participating in activities friendly to the environment and sustainable development. Main area of activities covers trainings, development of new methodologies and training modules, pilot and test. GLAFKA’s team members have expertise in fields of education and pedagogy, IT, economy, sociology and long-lasting experience with EU project implementation. In last 10 years they participated in projects and activities referred to, among others: a)disadvantageous or handicapped groups; b)entrepreneurship and career guidance; c)languages for different target groups; d)state-of-the-art teaching methods (i.e. storytelling); e)citizen competencies and literacy (environment, finance literacy, multiculturalism and voluntary, e-services); f)crowdfunding g)innovative ICT courses for seniors, cyber security and safety; h)evaluation, assessment, studies, research, best practices, piloting and testing, dissemination strategy, curricula and methodology development.Universidade Lusófona (ULHT)
ULHT, recognised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education in 1998, is the largest private university in Portugal and integrates 10 higher education institutions in Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and GuineaBissau. In the project ULHT participates with the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT), from the School of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Technologies (ECATI) and with the Translation and Languages Office (GTL) ECATI combines graduate and advanced training, research and services provision to the community, with the promotion of cultural and scientific activities in connection with civil society. The highly flexible, rigorous and integrated research strategy of ECATI aims to prepare students to respond creatively to the challenges of the information and knowledge society. CICANT promotes theoretical and applied research on all its subject areas: New Media and New Technologies, Organizational Communication, Arts and Visual Culture and Cultural and Media Studies. The centre gives focus to knowledge transfer and exchange with industry and similar centers in Portugal and in Europe at the cross of media, arts, culture and technologies. GTL provides highquality translation services from and to a wide variety of languages. GTL has also collaborated with Research Centres and contributes to Lusófona’s international prominence in a broad spectrum of scientific areas, namely, economics and management, law, social and human sciences, communication and marketing, health sciences, among others. The language courses offered at GTL represent a multicultural opportunity to all those who are interested in learning a new language.This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Grant Agreement number: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050784